Golshan Massah
golshan-massah.webs.com ~ golshanmassah@hotmail.com ~ 778-998-5162
Artist Statement
What this clay hides and shows is the passage of a being through time and space, the marks left by fingers, the scratches left by fingernails…
“The Cave” by Jose Saramago
I am a young sculptor in the early stages of my artistic career. I started sculpting seven years ago, at the age of sixteen, under the direction of internationally known sculptor Parvaneh Roudgar. My works are primarily in clay, which lends itself well to produce a skin like quality in human figures.
In my creative process, I explore the interactions and the sense of interconnectedness between humans. My recent work includes human forms in various yoga positions to portray the harmony that is experienced when the physical body and spirit are in equilibrium. The uninhibited spirit of children that arises the instant they utterly abandon themselves to the moment inspires the comical and playful nature of my work.
My pieces have been exhibited at private exhibitions in West Vancouver and at annual SSBC Van Dusen Garden exhibitions in recent years. I have won multiple awards in visual arts and architectural design throughout my education.