Deborah Wilson

65” x 30” x 33”, BC Nephrite Jade, Bronze, Steel
Artist Statement
Canadian Jade Artist, Sculptor and Instructor ~ ~ 250.542.0630 ~ Instagram jademaven
A fondness for drawing and an aptitude for clay modeling in Deborah’s youth led to excelling in the arts, and in 1973, graduating from the Vancouver School of Art. Sculpture was her major, Bill Koochin her Instructor, and jade carving became a way to make a living as an artist.
The opportunity arose in 1972 to learn the art of carving BC’s gemstone, at Vancouver’s New World Jade Co. The production of sculptural pieces created by the young carvers over the next 3 years was impressive. N.W.J. held exhibitions in Canada and the US with much acclaim. After a recession in the mid-seventies resulting in the demise of the company, those who were keen to continue on their own, did so. Deborah was one of them.
Her move to Vernon in BC’s Okanagan Valley proved to be a good one. Since 1983, in a large well equipped facility, she continues to carve the best from the BC Jade claims as well as other exotics, such as Wyoming, Siberian and Guatemalan Jade. Trips to the Tucson Gem Shows and the California Jade Festivals have led to discovering rare and much sought-after jades.
Students from all corners of the globe have attended her home-based jade workshops which were first launched in 1993. She has also mentored stone sculptors in Washington and Oregon by introducing them to the ‘Stone of Heaven’, the toughest on the planet.
In Sept 2014, Deborah was the first Western female jade artist to show her jade sculptures in China. Over the 5 years following 2014, she won two gold, a bronze, and two silver medals at the Zi Gang Bei International Jade Exhibition and Competition in Suzhou, China.
Her mission to encourage others to carve stone, nephrite jade in particular, is being realized through her workshops, social media and societies that share the same vision.
Monumental Sculptures in Vernon:
‘Kalamalka Reflections’ -Nephrite Jade – commissioned by OTISS 2002, for the City
‘Luna’- Mabel Lake Marble – Commissioned by The Rise for their Watermark entry feature.
‘Rabiah’ – Fox Island Granite – Private commission