Anyuta Gusakova  |

Artist Statement

Growing up in Vladivostok, Russia, Anyuta Gusakova gravitated to art early on. At ten, she was hand-selected to attend the prestigious Young Talents program—a four-year extensive art curriculum focused on classical forms.

From 1993 to 1995, Anyuta freelanced with the Vladivostok Porcelain Factory as a sculptor—learning porcelain and plaster techniques. This work would lead to her first solo show at the Sukhanov Historical Museum in 1995.

In 2000, she began her studies at Stroganov University of Art and Design in Moscow—one of Russia’s oldest and most esteemed classical art universities –under the mentorship of famed sculptor Nikolai Nikogosyan. Here Anyuta completed her Master of Fine Arts in sculpture. From 2001 onwards, she freelanced as lead-sculptor for privately commissioned small and large-scale projects across Russia and Europe. In 2008, she became a finalist in the fifth international sculpture competition Oeuvre de Faience, held at the musée départemental Breton at Quimper in Brittany, France.

In 2009, Anyuta decided to relocate to Vancouver, Canada to pursue a career focused on developing her craft. She has been focusing on refining her vision in diverse sculpting mediums from stone and bronze to porcelain and paper pulp. In 2013 she became a finalist of City of Vancouver’s IRONCLAD ART manhole cover design challenge. Anyuta and her art were featured in MonteCristo Magazine, The Province, Canadian Immigrant, Georgia Straight and Global TV News.

To purchase or commission a sculpture, please contact the artist directly or email us at