
Events ~ 2024

FIRE: Creation and Destruction
Sep 19 – Dec 31, 2024

Opening reception: Thursday, Sep 19th @ 7pm
Il Museo Gallery, Italian Cultural Centre
3075 Slocan St, Vancouver BC

In partnership with Sculptors’ Society of BC (SSBC) celebrating their 50th anniversary as well as featuring 6 indigenous artists. Il Museo Gallery draws attention to fire season in BC. Fire season spans the late summer to early autumn from August 25 until October 31 each year. This theme serves as a catalyst for discussion on this season of danger which causes chalk-coloured skies in Vancouver and an array of health issues. It has also given rise to extreme devastation in the interior of BC. In order to explore the impact of these annual fires on our city, Il Museo Gallery invited the Sculptors’ Society of BC and 6 indigenous artists (as well as one fibre artist and a painter) to focus on the power of fire and its impact in their artistic work. Many depict diverse cultural traditions which treat fire as a destructive element such as Bill Thomson’s Roman god Vulcan or Gennaidiy Zhukov’s Icarus, who is said to have flown too close to the sun. Others such as Onikamow Tapwew, Aaron Rice, Angelo Cavagnaro look to their indigenous communities’ sense of fire as a powerful element which can only be used in a culturally proscribed manner when paired with water, the only other element of nature which gives balance to fire’s capacity for destruction. Additionally, Debra Sparrow, who partners with SSBC member Louise Solecki Weir collaborating on a figurative piece The Runner, captures an athlete midstride, en route to convey messages that bring news and warnings. As well, Annie Ross in her installation Happy Birthday Super Cheaper, brings attention to the multitude of animals from the forests that are displaced and need protection during the wildfires. Finally, Autumn Christopher, who is Nlakapamux, living close to the Lytton fires in Kamploops shares the painting Imminence, a liminal moment in time, prior to destruction.

Featuring 6 indigenous artists: Angelo Cavangnaro, Autumn Christopher, Aaron Rice, annie ross, Debra Sparrow and Onikamow Tapwew.

Featuring 21 SSBC member artists and 2 individual artists: Amin Balaghi, Suzy Birstein, Kathi Bond, Wei Cheng, Ken Clarke, Lauri Copeman, James Fletcher, Claudine Gévry, Bruce Kleeberger, Georgina Lohan, Laurent Maynard, Michelle McCutchon, Beverly Paterson, Parvaneh Roudgar, Linda Schmidt, Bill Thomson, Cliff Vincenzi, Louise Weir, Debra Wilson, YouRen Yan, Gennadiy Zhukov and individual artists Eleanor Hannan and Catherine Nicholls.

Il Museo Gallery also partners with the Vancouver Historical Society to present two speakers on Thursday, October 24 at 7 pm: Jen Baron on “Burning History: Uncovering the Role of Fire in BC’s Ecosystems” and Liz Toohey-Wiese’s “Fire Season”. On Sunday, December 8, SSBC will do a demo at the Christmas market.

This exhibition is generously funded by Metro Vancouver and the City of Vancouver.

Il Museo Museum Director, Dr. Angela Clarke

Sculptors' Society of BC

50th Anniversary Exhibition (1974-2024)

May 13 – June 7, 2024
Opening Reception: Saturday, May 18, 2 – 4 pm
Pendulum Gallery
HSBC Building – Lobby Atrium
885 W. Georgia St., Vancouver, BC
(across from the VAG & equal walking distance between the Granville St. and Burrard St. Skytrain stations.)

Download the poster

Participating Sculptors:

Amin Balaghi
Anyuta Gusakova
Bill Thomson
Bruce Kleeberger
Claire Murgatroyd
Claudine Gévry
Cliff Vincenzi
David Dumbrell
Diane Roy

James Fletcher
John Clinton
Ken Clarke
Kim Cooper
Laurent Maynard
Linda Schmidt
Lynden Beesley
Michelle McCutchon
Parvaneh Roudgar

Ron Simmer
Sharon Reay
Stefan Rogenmoser
Suzy Birstein
Sylvia Escobedo
Tariq Kakar
Viven Chiu
YouRen Yan

Events ~ 2023

Group Exhibition

May 4 – 27, 2023
Opening reception: Thursday, May 4, 5 – 9 pm
Hours: Thur 1-5 pm ~ Fri 1-5 pm ~ Sat 10-5 pm
Landmark Pop UpTown Gallery
15140 North Bluff Road, White Rock, BC

The City of White Rock sponsors this Pop-Up Art Gallery space located in a mall in the centre of the Semiahmoo Peninsula.

The exhibition will feature an exciting cross-section of sculpture from the members of the SSBC organization, listed below:

Lynden Beesley, Kathi Bond, David Dumbrell, James Fletcher, Bruce Kleeberger, Laurent Maynard, Beverly Paterson, Sharon Reay, Linda Schmidt, Ron Simmer, and Bill Thomson

View/download poster

Events ~ 2022

Xmas Art Sale

Out on a Limb by Cathy Bond

Gallery 2040
December 2 – 4, 2022
Fri – Sat – Sun
12 Noon – 5 pm
2040 Quebec St., Vancouver (btwn E 4th & E 5th)

Participating Artists:
Ati Ahkamo, Deb Beaudreau, Kathi Bond, Wei Cheng, Ken Clarke, Sylvia Escobedo, Claudine Gevry, Peter Lattey, Michelle McCutchon, Beverly Paterson, Sharon Reay, Linda Schmidt, Bill Thomson, David Walker

Sculpture Exhibition & Sale

Gallery 2040
November 25 – 27, 2022
Fri – Sat – Sun
2040 Quebec St., Vancouver (btwn E 4th and E 5th)

Under the Sea by James Fletcher

Participating Artists:
Ati Ahkami, Kathi Bond, Wei Cheng, Ken Clark, Sylvia Escobedo, James Fletcher, Claudine Gevry, Michelle McCutchon, Linda Schmidt, Beverly Paterson, Stefan Rogenmoser, Bill Thomson, David Walker, Louise S. Weir

Sculpture Exhibition ~ July 2 – Aug 31, 2022

MAiNalley Gallery
July 2 – Aug 31, 2022
114 East 4th Avenue, Vancouver (M2 office building, 1 block west of Main Street)
Opening reception is Thursday, July 14, 7 to 10 pm

The Sculptors’ Society of BC are exhibiting members’ work at MAiNalley Gallery, a pop up space in the Mt. Pleasant neighbourhood of Vancouver.

This is a partnership art project with support from ReVision – the Art of ReCycling, the Sculptor’s Society of BC and Westbank Corp.

For more information, contact or 604.928.6948

Art Vancouver 2022 – Art Fair

May 5 – 8, 2022

Events ~ 2021

Pop Up Store – with Revision

December 1 – 10, 2021
Mon – Fri 11am – 4:30 pm (closed weekends)
Underground mall below the Bentall Centre, (downtown) Vancouver

A Celebration of Sculpture: The Sculptors’ Society of BC in Honour of Charles Marega 150

Curated with Angela Clarke
Il Museo Art Gallery, Italian Cultural Centre
September 24, 2021 – extended to January 7, 2022
Hours: Mon – Fri ~ 10 am – 6 pm
3075 Slocan St, Vancouver, BC

Opening Reception: Friday, Sep 24 at 7 pm. All are welcome.

Charles Marega (1871-1939) served as the first instructor of sculpture at the Vancouver College of Art (renamed Emily Carr University of Art and Design).  Marega, who was classically trained in sculpture and design in Italy utilizing the media of marble and stucco work brought European training and sensibilities to Vancouver when he emigrated in 1909.

A Celebration of Sculpture: The Sculptors’ Society of BC in Honour of Charles Marega 150

The Italian Cultural Centre Gallery partners with the Sculptors’ Society of BC for a juried exhibition which features the best of BC Sculpture. This exhibition features 22 artists, showcasing exemplary work in the media of metal, stone carving, ceramic and bronze. The exhibition includes both indoor and outdoor installations which is reminiscent of Marega’s own dual career where he achieved technical mastery in both small scale interior decoration and large-scale monumental sculpture.

Please join us for the Best in BC sculpture. The event opens on September 24th, Marega’s 150th birthday with the celebration beginning at 7 pm. All are welcome. Join us in celebration of BC sculpture and Marega’s indelible impact on the sculptural form in this province.

Included artists are: Atefeh Ankami, Kathi Bond, Viven Chiu, Parvaneh Roudgar, Sylvia Escobedo, Lorenzo De Francesco, James Fletcher, Alen Fox, Claudine Gevry, Anyuta Gusakova, Ralph Heading , Georgina Lohan, June Matheson, Cat Mudryk, Goetz Schuerholz, Ron Simmer, Bill Thomson, David Walker, Louise Solecki Weir, Angelo Cavagnero, Veronica Wachter Danes, Suzy Birstein

Participating sculptors will receive CARFAC fees.

This event is part of Culture Days.

This exhibition has been generously supported by BC Multiculturalism, Canadian Heritage, and MetroVancouver.

Text and images courtesy of Il Museo Art Gallery, Italian Cultural Centre.

SSBC at Art Vancouver International Art Fair

May 5 – 8, 2022 | Vancouver Convention Centre

Sculpture in the Garden

One day public exhibition & sale
Saturday, July 10 • Noon to 6 pm
2002 Clarke St., Port Moody

Events ~ 2018

Shape and Form Exhibition

A jointly sponsored event by The Sculptors’ Society of BC and The Federation of Canadian Artists. Click here for more information:

Dates: October 30 – November 11, 2018
Opening reception: Saturday, November 3rd, 2 – 4 pm
Location: Federation of Canadian Artists
1241 Cartwright Street, Vancouver
View map

Visual Arts Gallery Open House

Open House: Tuesday, July 17, 2018
Location: Queen Elizabeth Theatre Lobby, 630 Hamilton St., Vancouver

Visual Arts Open House at the Vancouver Civic Theatres

Vancouver Civic Theatres presents a visual arts open house that includes work from the Sculptors’ Society of BC members. SSBC members participating in the open house include Jean-Guy Dallaire, David Dumbrell, Anyuta Gusakova, Tary Majidi and Ron Simmer. With sculptures by Ron Holzman and painter Richard Heikkilä-Sawan.

A free event from 5:30 to 8:30pm with live music.

Older and Creating it

Dates: June 4 – 8, 2018
Opening Reception: Mon, June 4, 6-8pm
Location: Roundhouse Community Centre
181 Roundhouse Mews, 604-713-1800

Older and Creating It, sculpture exhibition

A glimpse into the wonderful works of our elders. Enjoy the work of 20+ artists. SSBC Members in the exhibition are Jean-Guy Daillaire, Pauline Doyle, James Fletcher, Diane Roy, Alex Schick, Linda Schmidt, Ron Simmer, Bill Thomson and Louise Solecki Weir.

Past Events ~ 2017

See what else our members are up to in the Spring/Summer of 2018.

New Forms Matter Exhibition
April 28 – June 3, 2017

presented by North Vancouver Community Arts Council
New Forms Matter, NVCAC

Opening Reception ~ Thurs. April 27, 7-9 pm
Exhibition Dates ~ April 28 – June 3, 2017
Gallery Hours ~ Mon-Sat 12-5pm, Thu 12-8pm, Closed Sunday
Location ~ Cityscape Community Art Space, 335 Lonsdale Ave, North Vancouver, BC, 604.988.6844

The Sculptors’ Society of BC celebrates how traditional and contemporary sculptural practice intersect. Local BC sculptural artists explore bronze, stone, wood, fibre, and mixed media for a lively exhibition. Download the poster.

Past Events ~ 2016

Bellingham Show ~ “Clay, Wood, Stone and Beyond”

Standing Alien By Jesse Rubin
Standing Alien By Jesse Rubin
Big Bird by Ron Simmer
Big Bird by Ron Simmer

The Sculptors’ Society of British Columbia is delighted to be part of the Sculpture Northwest Gallery exhibition in Bellingham WA from October 7th to December 17th, 2016. In the exhibition called Clay, Wood, Stone and Beyond, eleven artists with differing art practices, united through sculpture, will present their work. Feast your eyes on a wide range of contemporary sculpture from the bizarre to the exquisite, from the classical to interactive automata in bronze, stone, ceramic, welded steel and other mixed media.

9th Annual Show at VanDusen Botanical Gardens

SSBC VanDusen Exhibition 2016

Opening Reception ~ July 28th|5:30pm – 8pm
Daily Exhibition ~ July 29th to Aug 1st, 2016|10am – 8pm
Location ~ VanDusen Botanical Gardens|5251 Oak St, Vancouver

Don’t miss the Sculptors’ Society of BC show at VanDusen!
Feast your eyes on a wide range of modern sculpture from the bizarre to the exquisite: bronze, stone, hybrid animal/human droids, interactive automata, whimsical ceramic and classical busts. Meet the Sculptors and watch daily live sculpting demonstrations against the backdrop of these magnificent gardens.

Participating Sculptors

Richard Marcus ~ President
Louise Solecki Weir ~ Vice President
Linda Schmidt ~ Treasurer
Cliff Vincenzi
David Dumbrell
Ron Simmer
Bill Thomson
David Walker
Gordon Humeny
Jean Guy Dallaire
Jesse Rubin
Mikhail Pertsev
Peter Monk
Robert Rango
Suzy Bernstein
Silvia Escobedo
Tary Majidi
Anuyta Gusakova

Leigh Square Exhibition

Leigh Square Exhibition, July 7 2016

An exhibition of sculpture by Diane Roy, Linda Schmidt, Louise Soleki-Weir, Suzy Birstein & Ron Simmer

Opening Reception ~ July 14th|7pm – 9pm
Daily Exhibition ~ July 14th to Aug 1st, 2016
Location ~ 2253 Leigh Square, Port Coquitlam


Outreach Exhibition and Fundraising Reception

Date ~ Saturday Feb 27th, 2016  |  Noon – 9pm
Reception  ~  5pm – 9pm
Venue ~ The ARC | 1701 Powell St (Powell/Commercial Drive)

SSBC Fundraiser email invite

Our first event for 2016 will be an exhibition featuring a selection of SSBC member work at the ARC in East Vancouver. Come out and support local artists and discuss their work in person. The evening reception will have an open bar with complimentary snacks – all proceeds to benefit future SSBC events.

*** All Guests Welcome***

Participating Sculptors

We are also welcoming new members to the SSBC – Sign-up on the day for 50% off 2016 Membership Fees.

Contact the SSBC for more details:

*** EVENT SPECIAL BOOK OFFER ***david_marshal_book

“The Life and Work of David Marshall”
Softcover | $20.00 (regular $34.95)


8th Annual Show at VanDusen Botanical Garden*

July 30 – Aug 3, 2015  |  10am – 8pm
Opening reception  |  July 30 5:30 – 7:30pm

Enjoy the striking sculptures in the lush setting of the VanDusen Garden. A rare opportunity to see work by internationally renowned artists in their home province. Live demonstrations daily and the sculpture is for sale. Meet the Sculptors and enjoy a stroll in the gardens.

*Garden admission or Membership required

Facebook Event page  |  Download the poster  |  Read the Press

Participating Sculptors
Ati Ahkami, Colleen McLaughlin Barlow, Kathi Bond, Suzy Birstein, Jean-Guy Dallaire, David Dumbrell, Sylvia Escobedo, James Fletcher, Anyuta Gusakova, Sam Michael Hesse, Gordon Humeny, Richard Marcus, Golshan Massah, Dona Nabata, Mischa Pertsev, Bob Rangno, Jesse Rubin, Linda Schmidt, Ron Simmer, Cliff Vincenzi, David Walker and Louise Solecki Weir

VanDusen Botanical Garden  |  Hours & Admission
5251 Oak St, Vancouver, BC

7th Annual Show at VanDusen Botanical Garden*

July 31 – Aug 4, 2014 | 10am – 8pm
Opening reception | July 31 5:30 – 7:30pm
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Live demonstrations daily and meet the Sculptors.
10am – Noon: Stone Carving
Noon – 4pm: Sculpture Casting in limited editions
*Garden admission fees apply

Participating Sculptors:
Suzy Birstein, Kathi Bond, Jean-Guy Dallaire, Garry Davies, Sylvia Escobedo, James Fletcher, Samuel Hesse, Tary Majidi, Golshan Massah, Colleen McLaughlin Barlow, Ferenc Molnar, Jesse Rubin, Alex Schick, Linda Schmidt, Ron Simmer, Louise Solecki Weir, Cliff Vincenzi and David Walker

VanDusen Botanical Garden | Hours & Admission
5251 Oak St, Vancouver, BC

6th Annual Show at VanDusen Botanical Garden

July 27 – Aug 5, 2013
Enjoy the sculptures of B.C. top contemporary sculptors while strolling in the gardens.
Demonstrations will take place throughout the day. Garden admissions fee apply.

VanDusen Botanical Garden | Hours & Admission
5251 Oak St, Vancouver, BC

Bloedel Conservatory

February 10 – March 17, 2013 | 10am – 5pm
Queen Elizabeth Park, Vancouver

5th Annual Exhibition at VanDusen Botanical Garden

July 27 – August 5, 2012

Participating Sculptors:
Henry Aho, Mario Armitano, Colleen McLaughlin Barlow, Jean-guy Dallaire, Garry Davies, Sylvia Escobedo, James Fletcher, Sylvie Godin, Samuel Michael Hesse, Naim Iseni, Tary Majidi, Goldshan Massah, Ferenc Molnar, Claire Murgatroyd, Parvaneh Roudgar, Diane Roy, Alex Schick, Linda Schmidt, Svetlana Sloan, Cliff Vincenzi, David Walker and Louise Solecki Weir.

4th Annual exhibition at VanDusen Botanical Garden

July 21 – August 1, 2011

Participating Sculptors:
Mario Armitano, Colleen McLaughlin Barlow, Ken Clarke, Jean Guy Dallaire, Garry Davies, Sylvia Escobedo, Lynn Falconer, James Fletcher, Sylvie Godin, Ann Gusakova, Olivier Harwood, Samuel Michael Hesse, Josette Martinet, Parvaneh Roudgar, Jesse Rubin, Alex Schick, Linda Schmidt, Robert Turriff, Cliff Vincenzi, George Vlismas, Louise Solecki Weir.

Place des Arts

May to June 2010

Participating Sculptors:
Leslie Buerschaper, Jean-Guy Dallaire, Sylvia Escobedo, Lynn Flaconer, James Fletcher, Josette Martinet, Claire Mugatroyd, Jesse Rubin, Alex Schick, Louise Solecki Weir, Cliff Vincenzi, David Walker.

Place des Arts | Map
1120 Brunette Avenue, Coquitlam, BC

“Perspectives on Identity”

January 21 – 31, 2010

International Village Mall (Tinseltown)
88 West Pender, Second Floor, Vancouver, BC

Participating Sculptors:
Leslie Buerschaper, Jean-Guy Dallaire, Sylvia Escobedo, Lynn Flaconer, James Fletcher,Georgia Hunter, Josette Martinet, Claire Mugatroyd, Jesse Rubin, Alex Schick, Louise Solecki Weir, Cliff Vincenzi and David Walker.

VanDusen Botanical Garden Exhibition

July 24 – 28, 2009 | 9am – 9pm

We featured sculptures from some of our province’s most renowned artists.

“Swing into Form”

July 10 – 29, 2006
Pendulum Gallery, 885 West Georgia, Vancouver, BC

The Sculptors’ Society of BC returned to the Pendulum Gallery to present an intriguing array of sculptures exquisitely created in abstract, realism, impressionistic pieces as well as unabashedly emotional and experimental works. This exhibition provided the opportunity to see and experience the talents of 22 artists from critically acclaimed and award winning sculptors to some exciting new up and coming artists, almost all of who live and work in British Columbia. Although all of these artists exhibit and sell their work individually, this dynamic artistic program creates a unique opportunity to see an intriguing variety of styles at one time as well as to meet the artists.

Participating Sculptors:
Carmen Arguelles-Lasley, Leslie Buerschaper, Jean-Guy Dallaire, Antonio Di Tommaso, Olga Dubisskiy, Sylvia Escobedo, Georgia Hunter, Naim Iseni, Chris Johnson “Ice Bear”, David Kydd, Geert Maas, David F. Marshall, Josette Martinet, Parvaneh Roudgar, Jesse Rubin, Alexander Schick, Cliff Vincenzi, David Walker and Louise Solecki Weir.

To purchase or commission a sculpture, please contact the artist directly or email us at